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Health Topics

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Digestive Lining Support

If you have a problem with your digestive tract it can be a major leak in your structural dam. This is because the health of the lining of your GI tract gets first dibs on structural nutrients, a survival system of nutrient distribution. Because many cells lining your digestive tract have a high need for glutamine, both for structure and energy, the need...

Sleep as Part of a Hormonal Symphony

When your energy level is clicking along nicely during the day, and turns off properly at night, there is an unmistakable feeling of being in sync. Your body must coordinate the function of over 100 trillion cells in order for you to feel in sync, which is done with hormones (substances that give management-like orders). Your brain responds to hormonal...

Pleasure, Arousal, Stress, & Food Does Sleep Have a Chance?

Don't think for a moment that the human brain is simple. It would certainly be nice if there was one on switch for awake and one off switch for sleep. As I have already explained you have a sleep department and a wakefulness department residing within your hypothalamus gland. The new science shows that you also have an arousal thermostat in your...

Skin & Hair Supplements

25% off Skin, Joint & Repair Supplements in September! Get the best nutrients for glowing skin and healthy hair! Nutrients are the building blocks of body structure. Your body requires various nutrients for daily repair and rejuvenation activities. High quality nutritional supplements help support repair processes and maintain healthy collagen, skin,...

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is an irregular change in the structure of your skin, also involving changes in the fatty layers under your skin, which result in a dimpled orange peel or cottage cheese appearance. Problems occur mostly on the buttocks or thighs, and can also appear in the abdominal or pelvic regions. Onset for women is any time after puberty, with the tendency...

Quality Iron Vital for Healthy Pregnancy

Adequate stores of iron are vital for healthy pregnancy. Iron is needed to assemble proteins to form all aspects of your baby's body; it is required for growth and intelligence. Your body handles iron with great care and caution; indeed, poor quality iron supplementation can cause a lot of problems.Not all women need supplemental iron prior to getting...


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06 15, 2015

Low Thyroid vs. Adrenal Fatigue

Low energy in the morning or afternoon? Salt or sugar cravings? Weight gain? See if your symptoms indicate low thyroid or adrenal fatigue.

01 23, 2017

Body Temperature – Thyroid, Adrenals, or Something Else?

Cold hands, cold feet, and cold nose reveal clues about circulation and body temperature. Impaired thyroid and adrenal fatigue are the most common causes of low body temperature. Learn about the key points for solving low body temperature distress.

01 26, 2015

Ten Things that Interfere with Thyroid Function

Thyroid health and function is an intricate web of artwork throughout the body. It is not just the thyroid gland and a single signal from the brain to the thyroid. It is a complicated web of activity throughout the brain and body down to 70 trillion cells and their cell membranes. When this web is working well, vigor, vitality, and healthy metabolic...


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