
Health Topics

Showing 6 of 12

Adrenal Burnout and Exhaustion

When your adrenal glands have been working too hard for too long they simply may not be able to keep up. Sometimes this is triggered by emotional loss, physical pain, or simply prolonged stress. Things just start feeling too out-of-control or overwhelming. Your adrenals are the foundation for your entire ability to adapt to anything. This system talks to...

Weight Management and Cellulite

Fat cell fitness is an issue of immense importance. As a person gains weight fat cells expand in size and replicate, and their metabolism becomes sluggish. Problems are aggravated by high stress. Within cellulite not only are the fat cells expanding in size, they are being knocked into irregular shapes. Fat cells naturally fill up with triglycerides when...

Keeping a Positive Mood after Pregnancy

Once you make it through the first two weeks after pregnancy then you simply need to keep track of the demands on you versus your ability to recover. Nutrition plays a role in its ability to help you have more energy, greater stress tolerance, and natural thyroid support. All of these issues are fully covered on the Prenatal Nutrition topic pages, and the...

Complex Thyroid Problems

Individuals are quite confused by many thyroid-related medical terms that are bantered about: hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, elevated thyroid autoantibodies, or Hashimoto's thyroiditis to name a few. Oftentimes an individual will have all the symptoms of a low or underactive thyroid yet lab tests come back normal. In other cases, lab tests do not come back...

Stress and Digestive Health

It is always possible that stress can be the entire cause of any digestive-related symptoms. This is because there are many nerve endings in your digestive tract, and stress chemicals banging into the wall of your digestive tract can produce any symptom of indigestion, irritation, and impaired or disrupted motility. In actual practice, stress is typically...

Food Intolerance

The inability to properly digest food is a key sign that energetics of the digestive tract are not in good shape. While it is best to avoid known irritants, it is also a good idea to be able to digest as much as possible otherwise food choices can become too limited, in turn leading to malnutrition. Improving any category on these digestion pages will...


Showing 6 of 15

11 02, 2006

How the FDA is Causing the Obesity Epidemic

I am amazed by the relentless attack of Big Pharma-controlled media on dietary supplements that help people lose weight. The FDA, colluding illegally with health officials in Mexico and Canada, has weight-loss fraud at the top of their list. The FDA is constantly insinuating that all weight-loss supplements are fraudulent and unproven, and they implore...

02 08, 2008

The Failure of Cardiovascular Medication

Several high profile human cardiovascular drug experiments have turned into disasters for Big Pharma. These findings are sure to shake the misguided consumer confidence in drugs as a mainstay of preventive cardiovascular health. Hanging in the balance are billions of dollars of fraudulent drug sales based on the flimsy argument that changing numbers...

04 16, 2008

Cell Phone Cover-Up – Is Your Brain at Risk?

The latest stone thrown at the 200-billion-dollar-a-year cell phone industry came from a study by neurosurgeon Vini G. Khurana entitled Mobile Phone-Brain Tumour: Public Health Advisory. His meta-analysis of existing cell phone studies may not contain a lot of new information; but his rather alarming message was carried by media around the world: “there...


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