
Showing 6 of 27
Daily Protein Plus - Chocolate

    Daily Protein Plus Chocolate

    Grass-fed, pasture-raised bioactive whey protein with organic cocoa and fiber. No sweeteners!...
    2 lb. (30 scoops)
    20% off!
    $60.00 $48.00
    In Stock
    Daily DHA

      Daily DHA

      Superior quality mercury-free fish oil, specifically high in DHA. DHA is an essential omega-3 oil commonly lacking from the diet. It supports brain health, cardiovascular health, and eye health.*
      20% off!
      $24.00 $19.20
      In Stock
      Daily Prenatal Multi Vitamin

        Daily Prenatal Multi Vitamin

        Complete prenatal multivitamin. A foundation of superior quality nutrients to support preparation for pregnancy, pregnancy, and postpartum health.*
        20% off!
        $33.00 $26.40
        In Stock
        Daily Protein Plus Vanilla

          Daily Protein Plus Vanilla

          Grass-fed whey protein with prebiotic fiber and organic vanilla bean. No sweeteners. Tastes great, mixes well. Excellent for breakfast!
          2 lb. (30 scoops)
          20% off!
          $60.00 $48.00
          In Stock
          Q10, Coenzyme Q10 Supplement

            Q10, Coenzyme Q10

            Q10 helps cellular energy production.*
            90 capsules
            20% off!
            $28.00 $22.40
            In Stock
            Buffered C Tablets

              C, Buffered Vitamin C Tablets

              Highly-purified with no additives. Nutrient support for the immune system, adrenals and stress.* There are two vitamin C options: Vitamin C Capsules and Buffered C Tablets.
              100 tablets
              20% off!
              $18.00 $14.40
              In Stock

              Health Topics

              Showing 6 of 20

              Calcium and Bones

              High quality calcium and magnesium minerals are important for strong, healthy bones. Unfortunately, many low quality calcium supplements are on the market that provide little or no benefit. Wellness Resources® Daily Bone Xcel™ is our core mineral supplement that contains the highest quality calcium, magnesium, and cofactor nutrients, such as vitamin D and...

              Protein and Fiber

              The U.S. government recommends at least 50 grams a day of protein and 25 grams a day of fiber. In my opinion both amounts are on the low side. It always amazes me that the government sees no difference in protein need for a 220 pound man compared to a 125 pound woman -- surely there has to be a difference! As a general rule, we recommend consuming 1/2 to...

              Sports Nutrition

              There are a number of excellent supplements that support body repair, recovery from exercise, and optimum performance. In fact there are certain nutrients, such as magnesium, that are essential for athletes or active individuals. Wellness Resources provides superior quality nutritional supplements for natural body repair, building muscle strength, and...

              Protein and Fiber Help Blood Sugar Health

              Overweight individuals struggling to maintain healthy insulin function need high amounts of protein that is rich in branch chain amino acids, as well as higher amounts of soluble fiber. Both nutrients are needed beyond common levels of dietary recommendation, to prop up and stabilize the healthy function of insulin. High quality whey protein is the...

              Quality Iron Vital for Healthy Pregnancy

              Adequate stores of iron are vital for healthy pregnancy. Iron is needed to assemble proteins to form all aspects of your baby's body; it is required for growth and intelligence. Your body handles iron with great care and caution; indeed, poor quality iron supplementation can cause a lot of problems.Not all women need supplemental iron prior to getting...

              Supporting Thyroid During Pregnancy

              Thyroid hormone works overtime during pregnancy. It sets the pace for your baby's growth and development, as well as the pace for the formation of all the hormones required to sustain a healthy pregnancy. In a sense, pregnancy is a true test of your thyroid system.It is important to understand your risks for pregnancy-related thyroid distress. The first...


              Showing 6 of 224

              08 03, 2020

              7 Tips to Strengthen Your Immune System Daily

              Your immune system works 24/7. It must be properly fueled and supported with a healthy diet and lifestyle. Here are some tips to help ensure optimal function of your immune system.


              Showing 6 of 46