
Showing 6 of 35
cardio supplement package
  • Pack
25% off!
$220.00 $165.00
In Stock
Leptin Control Pack
  • On sale!

Leptin Control Pack

Comprehensive weight management nutritional supplements in convenient on-the-go packets. These nutrients support thyroid health, metabolism, and leptin function.*
60 packets
20% off!
$155.00 $124.00
Out of stock. ETA 10/4 - 10/15
Green Tea Extract

    Green Tea Extract

    Highest quality green tea extract for weight management.*
    90 capsules
    20% off!
    $28.00 $22.40
    In Stock
    Super CoQ10 Ubiquinol

      Q10, Super CoQ10 Ubiquinol

      The ubiquinol form of Q10 is an excellent antioxidant nutrient that supports cellular energy...
      60 capsules
      20% off!
      $48.00 $38.40
      In Stock


        A unique magnesium formula to support sleep, stress tolerance, the normal sleep-wake cycle, and relaxation. This is a naturally relaxing, non-drowsy formula.*
        100 capsules
        20% off!
        $22.00 $17.60
        In Stock
        Female Plus

          Female Plus

          Excellent nutrients for women. Helps smooth out hormone rhythms and is supportive of the menstrual cycle or menopause.*
          60 capsules
          50% off!
          $35.00 $17.50
          In Stock

          Health Topics


          Showing 5 of 11

          02 08, 2008

          The Failure of Cardiovascular Medication

          Several high profile human cardiovascular drug experiments have turned into disasters for Big Pharma. These findings are sure to shake the misguided consumer confidence in drugs as a mainstay of preventive cardiovascular health. Hanging in the balance are billions of dollars of fraudulent drug sales based on the flimsy argument that changing numbers...

          04 16, 2008

          Cell Phone Cover-Up – Is Your Brain at Risk?

          The latest stone thrown at the 200-billion-dollar-a-year cell phone industry came from a study by neurosurgeon Vini G. Khurana entitled Mobile Phone-Brain Tumour: Public Health Advisory. His meta-analysis of existing cell phone studies may not contain a lot of new information; but his rather alarming message was carried by media around the world: “there...

          01 19, 2010

          Health Scandal of the Decade – Monsanto’s GMO Perversion of Food

          In the 2010 growing season Monsanto plans to unleash its latest Frankenfood experiment on the American and Canadian public, a new version of genetically mutated corn with eight abnormal gene traits called Genuity SmartStax corn. It is the culmination of an astonishing scandal that has been steadily building over the past decade. During this time...

          12 07, 2007

          FDA Sleeps While Common Medications Poison the Elderly

          On November 29, 2007 the FDA made a rather surprising, almost honest announcement. It said that it could not protect Americans from the dangers of drugs. A 56-page report by its Subcommittee on Science and Technology stated the FDA “suffers from serious scientific deficiencies and is not positioned to meet current or emerging regulatory...

          08 02, 2021

          Feed Your Busy Brain

          Our brain health is often overlooked, but emotions, stress tolerance, the ability to focus and more all depend on it. Proper nutrients and care are required to function optimally.
