
Health Topics

Showing 1 of 7

Carbohydrate Cravings and Ghrelin

New science is shedding light on one aspect of the nature of cravings, especially for carbohydrates. Your stomachs carbohydrate-desiring hunger signal, called ghrelin, is also needed for the release of growth hormone required to repair your digestive lining. Such cravings may actually be a red flag that your digestive tract is under some form of strain...


Showing 6 of 24

04 18, 2008

Guess What? - A Fat Stomach Craves Food

It was just discovered that belly fat cells make an appetite signal which increases as you become overweight, causing you to crave more food, which makes you even fatter in the abdominal area, in turn causing you to crave even more food.

03 18, 2009

The Potential for Intelligence is Inherited

A unique brain-imaging study of identical twins and fraternal twins has shown that genes have a profound influence on the integrity of nerve cell connections, resulting in faster processing speed and potential for intelligence. The study identified that the health of the myelin sheathing of nerves was a key sign of brain health.

05 24, 2011

Magnesium is Essential for Preventing Substance P Overload

Substance P is a neuropeptide that is typically ”over-heated” in situations of anxiety, depression, digestive bloating, insomnia, fibromyalgia, PTSD, and cardiovascular deterioration. New research shows that one of the first signs of magnesium deficiency is that it enables the over-production of substance P.

08 31, 2012

Synaptic Plasticity - The Key to Your Brain's Future

How does your brain bounce back from intense stress? When will your subconscious brain start believing you should actually be that weight you desire? And why is it you just can't seem to break that bad habit? The answers may lie in how flexible or "plastic" your brain structures are.


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