
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 49

06 04, 2010

The Most and Least Pesticide-Contaminated Foods

The United States Department of Agriculture has an ongoing Pesticide Data Program that tests for pesticide residues on a variety of basic foods, especially those likely to be eaten by infants and children. The Environmental Working Group translates the USDA data into a list of the best and worst foods as far as pesticide residue levels are concerned.

12 30, 2010

Top 10 Health Stories of 2010

2010 is a year marked by an explosion in gene-related nutritional science, with significant findings to improve the health of one and all. In contrast, the same type of gene science applied to the function of commonly used drugs is showing their true colors. These toxic poisons should be avoided for all but the most desperate use in true medical...

08 08, 2011

Exercise At Every Age Boosts Brain Function

Researchers evaluated the findings from 111 recent studies on exercise and brain function and came to the conclusion that both aerobics and strength training are of great value to brain health at every age. This is especially the case for helping to maintain cognitive function in older age.


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