
Showing 6 of 56
Glutathione Ultra

    Glutathione Ultra

    S-acetyl glutathione is a cutting-edge form of glutathione with superior absorption and bioavailability.*
    90 capsules
    20% off!
    $54.00 $43.20
    In Stock


      Carnosine is a dipeptide made up of the amino acids beta-alanine and l-histidine. It occurs...
      90 capsules
      20% off!
      $44.00 $35.20
      In Stock
      Daily Super E 90 caps

        Daily Super E

        Contains tocotrienols, the superior quality antioxidant form of vitamin E. Assists natural cholesterol metabolism.*
        20% off!
        $41.00 $32.80
        In Stock
        Leptinal 90 caps


          Top nutritional supplement for weight management and cardiovascular health. Leptinal contains high quality nutrients for healthy leptin hormone communication.*
          20% off!
          $55.00 $44.00
          In Stock
          Daily Protein Plus Oat

            Daily Protein Plus Oat

            Grass-fed, pasture-raised whey protein isolate with heart-healthy oat beta glucan fiber and mangosteen antioxidant. Tastes great, mixes well. Excellent for breakfast!
            2 lb. (30 scoops)
            20% off!
            $60.00 $48.00
            In Stock
            Super CoQ10 Ubiquinol

              Q10, Super CoQ10 Ubiquinol

              The ubiquinol form of Q10 is an excellent antioxidant nutrient that supports cellular energy...
              60 capsules
              20% off!
              $48.00 $38.40
              In Stock

              Health Topics

              Showing 6 of 43

              Magnesium and Blood Pressure

              Magnesium deficiency is one of the most common problems facing Americans, in part due to a lack of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet as well as soils depleted of this vital mineral because of poor farming methods. Magnesium is readily lost by stress and sweating (making it a vital supplement for avid exercisers and athletes). Magnesium is the most...

              Coenzyme Q10 & Blood Pressure

              A 2007 meta analysis of all Q10 clinical trials relating to blood pressure showed that Q10 is indeed a helpful nutrient for blood pressure fitness. It is well known that Q10 is highly concentrated in the heart and a great nutrient to support the energy production needs of the heart. An efficiently working heart muscle is required for optimal blood...

              Nitric Oxide and Blood Pressure

              The endothelial cells lining your arteries routinely produce a substance called nitric oxide (NO), which is also known as endothelial-derived relaxing factor. As the name implies, this natural compound is another important substance that helps keep your circulatory system in good condition. In order to make this compound, your body combines the amino acid...

              Basic Blood Sugar Support

              Cinnamon Plus™ contains cinnamon extract, coffee berry extract (decaffeinated), and banaba extract for healthy glucose metabolism. Cinnamon has been found to positively influence various health parameters often associated with proper insulin function, including natural support for healthy blood pressure and healthy metabolism of lipids (cholesterol and...

              Coenzyme Q10 and Heart Health

              Coenzyme Q10 is essential for energy production in your body; without enough Q10 you simply can not make energy at an optimal rate. Your heart requires huge amounts of energy to run properly. When you are fatigued, your nerves and heart do not have the energy they need to function in an optimal way, pointing your health in the wear and tear direction.*...

              Nerve Communication and Heart Health

              Nerves must maintain healthy connections to tissues they are regulating, including the heart. When signs of nerve wear and tear (shaking, numbness, tingling, etc.) start to occur in the hands or feet, it means that the long nerves going to these areas are struggling to maintain healthy function. The basic nutrients needed for nerve transmission are B...


              Showing 6 of 380

              05 07, 2011

              The Antioxidant Properties of Caffeine

              Caffeine is known to have antioxidant properties and may be protective against a variety of health problems. For example, coffee contains various flavonoids that participate in antioxidant processes. A new study shows that caffeine directly acts as an antioxidant, independent of such flavonoids, by binding on to the hydroxyl radical and rendering it inert.


              Showing 6 of 1220

              08 30, 2011

              Antioxidants Help Cognitive Performance

              French adults’ cognitive performance after daily supplementation with antioxidant vitamins and minerals at nutritional doses: a post hoc analysis of the Supplementation in Vitamins and Mineral Antioxidants (SU.VI.MAX) trial

              06 03, 2009

              Antioxidants and Semen

              A low intake of antioxidant nutrients is associated with poor semen quality in patients attending fertility clinics.