supplements for healthy weight management, superior quality whey protein, pure fiber, and The Leptin Diet book, a key tool for success.* Includes: Leptin Control Pack, Daily Protein Plus Chocolate, Fiber Helper, Leptin Diet book (Free!) 1 month supply when you take 2 Leptin Control Pack packets per day, 1 scoop of Daily Protein Plus, and 1 tablespoon of Fiber Helper per day.
Much more than a diet book, Mastering Leptin explains how your hormones govern weight loss and what you can do to once and for all take control of your weight, increase energy, and improve overall health.
Top supplements for liver support, lymph circulation, and toxin clearance.* Includes Daily Detoxify (90 caps), Immune Plus (6 oz powder), and Fiber Helper (525 grams).
Leptin is the single most important hormone that regulates your body weight. It is the boss of thyroid hormone, insulin, growth hormone, and adrenal hormones (like cortisol). Understanding leptin and working in harmony with it opens an entire new world of possibilities to maintain and attain optimal metabolic function. Leptin is known as the fat hormone...
Extra weight fuels estrogen dominance and stresses insulin function. These factors need to be well managed to maintain optimal female hormone balance and health. There is extensive information on our website regarding weight management, including our groundbreaking information on The Leptin Diet. Below are a few of our most popular options.
Leptin orchestrates blood sugar and insulin metabolism through central mechanisms in your nervous system and by communicating to your pancreas to stop insulin production at the end of a meal. When these systems are running smoothly they help you maintain a healthy weight and stay on a healthy weight management program. Key nutrients in Cinnamon Plus™ and...
No simple fix or miracle weight loss pill will ever address the complexity of leptin in your metabolism. Beware of false marketing for any one product making this claim (Many leptin products are out there, all of them riding on our coattails, as we are the original leptin experts). On the other hand, there are many nutrients that beneficially impact...
Leptin orchestrates blood sugar and insulin metabolism through central mechanisms in your nervous system and by communicating to your pancreas to stop insulin production at the end of a meal. When these systems are running smoothly they help you maintain a healthy weight and stay on a healthy weight management program. Key nutrients in Cinnamon Plus™ and...
Your body maintains a relatively small amount of blood sugar in your circulation on a fasting basis (about one teaspoon per five quarts of blood). Following a meal your blood sugar levels naturally rise, as sugar, which is fuel for energy, is distributed around your body. This activity requires proper function of the hormones insulin and leptin. Once the...
Your liver plays a central role in the metabolism of any type of calorie. During weight gain your liver is being punched in the nose by inflammatory metabolic flu signals coming from your white adipose tissue (stored fat) and your digestive tract (bacterial imbalance, LPS, Candida, etc.). At the same time, your white adipose tissue is unable to store fat...
Gut motility and the MIgrating Motor Complex (MMC) are essential to a healthy gut and gut flora, as well as healthy blood sugar, leptin, weight management and feeling satisfied at meals.
Being overweight in America is a national epidemic. It affects citizens of all ages. If you are overweight, then losing weight in a healthy and consistent way is the best thing you can do to help improve your quality of health. It will also benefit almost any other health problem.
Fatty sludge in the liver is a growing health concern. See how lifestyle changes and nutrient support can improve your liver's ability to process fats.
Effects of high-protein diets on body weight, glycaemic control, blood lipids and blood pressure in type 2 diabetes: meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials