
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 220

10 24, 2016

Mold Allergies and Toxins - Damaging Effects Must Be Managed

Mold toxins are invariably present all around us. Chronic sinus problems, brain fog, unrelenting fatigue, ice pick headaches and increased gut permeability are signs of a struggle with mold allergies. It is not a matter of if we are exposed, rather how well our detoxification abilities can handle the toxic effects. Is your body keeping up?

10 23, 2017

Calcium Tablets vs. Capsules: What’s Best?

If a company sells a multivitamin or calcium supplement in a tablet form, they do not have absorbability or your health in mind. Discover how to identify a high quality mineral supplement.

05 22, 2015

Hair Loss Disorder Alopecia Areata Linked to Thyroid, Celiac, Methylation

Symptoms of the autoimmune hair loss disorder alopecia areata are often devastating and disheartening. New research is showing that addressing co-existing autoimmune disorders and taking certain nutrients can help. Suffering silently and feeling helpless with hair loss disorders doesn’t have to happen. Take charge of your health today!


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