
Health Topics


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01 05, 2015

Five Key Tips for a Healthy 2015

Want to lose a few pounds and become healthier in 2015? Wellness Resources has a number of resources to help you successfully reach your health goals. Here are some tips to help you start the year off well and take charge of your health!

03 19, 2017

Premature Gray Hair? Check Your Nutrition

Gray hair is expected to come with age and advanced years, but some individuals experience gray hair in their 20's and 30's as well. Premature graying can be a warning sign of certain nutrient deficiencies and oxidative stress beneath the surface.

02 29, 2016

Asthma, Methylation, Leaky Gut Syndrome, and Roundup

Researchers are finding that problems with methylation defects, increased intestinal permeability, food allergies and intolerances, environmental toxins, and Roundup exposure underlie or worsen asthma disorders.

02 27, 2017

Chronic Venous Insufficiency - Managing Stagnant Fluids and Inflammation in the Legs

Swollen ankles and legs, sock lines, varicose veins, and aching legs are some common indications of poor circulation in the legs also known as chronic venous insufficiency. Lying with your feet up at night to reduce the aching and swelling doesn’t have to be your nightly ritual anymore. Several nutrients have been found to be helpful in supporting healthy...


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