
Health Topics

Showing 6 of 96

Maximize Your Fat Burning During Sleep

In the course of a 24-hour time period your prime fat burning opportunity is at night while you are sleeping but only if you allow it to happen. Of course you burn extra calories when you exercise or are physically active, but in terms of your basal metabolism of fat, nighttime rules!Following a meal you tend to burn calories for energy mostly from sugar...

Best Hair Supplements

Healthy hair shows that dietary intake of structural nutrition is adequate to offset the demands of stress. Specific nutrients not only help hair, but help nourish internal body structure.* Brittle hair, dry hair, thinning hair, or hair falling out are all signs of needing structural nutrition. Stress and sluggish thyroid function can also contribute to...

Sleep Rules

Disturbances in your sleep pattern, either not being able to get to sleep or not being able to stay asleep, are a key sign that stress friction is affecting your nerves. Poor sleep results in poor recovery leading to a reduced energy level and more fatigue the next day. This means even less energy to deal with stress. This nasty de-energizing catch 22 can...

Diet, Mental Energy, Cravings & Mood

When you eat has a profound affect on your energy and mood. There is a tremendous amount of information on this website about leptin and The Leptin Diet, as I am the original author and national leading expert on diet-related information and leptin. Leptin is a hormone that comes from your stored fat, travels to your brain, and tells your metabolism how...

All Wound Up - Substance P

Substance P is a neuropeptide that is a common regulatory compound within your nerves. It is released primarily in your brain stem and in nerve endings. It is released in small amounts on a regular basis as part of normal function of nerves. It is also released in larger amounts as the main way your body processes physical pain and intense stress. Under...

Healthy Homocysteine Levels

Homocysteine is a natural byproduct of protein metabolism in your liver. In a healthy situation homocysteine is naturally metabolized into other compounds with the help of folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin B6. If you are lacking B vitamins, which are typically used up by stress, then you may not have enough B vitamins to support the normal metabolism...


Showing 6 of 567

01 07, 2013

Is your thyroid slothful?

Leave the sloths in the wild. Eat quality food. Follow the Leptin Diet. Get nutrient support.


Showing 6 of 1500
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