
Health Topics


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01 01, 2023

2022 Natural Health News Articles

Take charge of your health! These natural health articles from 2022 cover a variety of health topics, support for vitality, and optimizing healthy structure and function.

09 13, 2021

Nutrient Status and Immune Vitality

Your body depends on the quality nutrients to thrive. Take a look at the foods you are eating and supplements you are taking. Are you getting enough?

05 07, 2011

The Antioxidant Properties of Caffeine

Caffeine is known to have antioxidant properties and may be protective against a variety of health problems. For example, coffee contains various flavonoids that participate in antioxidant processes. A new study shows that caffeine directly acts as an antioxidant, independent of such flavonoids, by binding on to the hydroxyl radical and rendering it inert.


Showing 6 of 103