
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 115

10 24, 2018

Taking a Fish Oil Supplement? Quality Matters

You may have heard that you should be taking a fish oil supplement. However, not all fish oil is the same! Use these tips to ensure you are taking a high quality fish oil supplement.

01 11, 2010

Cold Weather Mood Shock: Avoid the Winter Blues

The combination of a lack of sun and cold weather invariably strains your mood as well as your metabolism. It is an energy-depleting form of stress, similar to having a daily argument with someone. If your energy systems are already low or your plate is full with things to do, the addition of this weather stress can be significant.

06 18, 2008

Western Medicine Fails Tim Russert

The shocking death of Tim Russert last Friday has left an entire nation wondering what happened. He was a model patient, doing everything his doctors asked. All major media have run articles trying to explain the nuances and difficulties in treating coronary artery disease. These articles find little fault in Russert's care, trying to create the idea...

07 14, 2014

Disrupted Gut Clocks Linked with IBS, GERD, Obesity, and Other GI Concerns

Thirty years ago, scientists began researching the concept of multiple clocks in the digestive track. It has been a slow process with little research on the topic and little information has been gained until the last few years. We now know that multiple rhythms of the digestive tract exist and dictate healthy digestive function creating digestive...

05 14, 2018

Top 10 Best Post-Workout Repair Nutrients

The ability of your body to recover from exercise and training is vital to maintaining peak performance. Properly nourish your body after a workout to help your body repair.


Showing 6 of 127