
Health Topics


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10 26, 2009

The FDA’s Peramivir H1N1 Swine Flu Experiment

The FDA has now opened the door for widespread human experimentation during this year’s flu season, allowing an antiviral drug called Peramivir to be used even though it has not passed traditional standards of safety testing. Ever since the FDA crafted its Critical Path agenda it has been looking for excuses to expose vulnerable Americans to toxic drugs...

10 20, 2008

Pleasure, Brain Pain, and Food Desire

Dopamine is an important nerve transmitter involved with reward. It is released when you eat, so that you know eating is good and thus you will survive. Some individuals don't release a normal amount, thus they eat more to get the same feeling of satisfaction that someone else gets eating less food. A new study with advanced brain imaging while...

12 21, 2008

Intense Aerobics Lowers Appetite

The struggle with appetite is a key point in the battle of the bulge. One tool to stay on track is aerobic exercise. A new study shows that a 1 hour period of intense aerobics significantly lowers ghrelin, your stomach's hunger signal.

08 20, 2013

A Multi-Strain Friendly Flora Helps Diabetic Patients

Many metabolic problems are adversely influenced by what is going on in the digestive tract. Adverse bacterial and Candida populations produce toxic byproducts and phantom metabolic signals that interfere with healthy metabolic function throughout the body. A new study shows that a multi-strain probiotic supplement helps improve the blood sugar metabolism...

02 14, 2010

New Science Shows Statins Don’t Target the Problem

It is quite inconvenient for the statin industry, which is bilking taxpayers and insurance companies for over 20 billion dollars every year, to find out that the statins are pointed at the wrong target. This is the conclusion that is easy to reach based on a new and highly advanced way of looking at the issue of how plaque is formed in arteries.


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