
Health Topics


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07 06, 2009

Butyric Acid Improves Fat-Burning Metabolism

Feeding mice butyric acid improved their ability to burn fat on a high fat diet. The butyric acid improved their muscle function, health of brown adipose tissue, and various gene signals involved with fatty acid metabolism. Butyric acid also prevented insulin resistance from happening in these over-fed mice.

07 28, 2009

Will Drinking Milk Help You Live Longer?

There are plenty of people (I'm not one of them) practicing or believing in alternative health who think that drinking milk is simply bad to the bone. A new meta-analysis from 324 milk-related studies by European researchers concludes that regular milk drinking may reduce the chances of dying from illnesses such as coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke...

12 25, 2010

Are Low Fat Diets Helping to Cause Type 2 Diabetes?

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health, in a study funded by the National Institutes of Health, have come to the conclusion that dietary intake of high-fat dairy offers significant protection against developing a variety of metabolic problems, including the onset of type 2 diabetes. The researchers were stunned to report that Americans with a...

03 16, 2015

Vitamin B1 / Thiamin - Are you getting enough?

Thiamin is an essential vitamin needed for energy production, brain health, heart health, muscle function, and mood. Signs that thiamin is lacking include trouble focusing, poor coordination, fatigue, fluid retention, and muscle pain. Thiamin is depleted by high carbohydrates and sugar, caffeine, alcohol, certain medications, and stress.

08 24, 2006

FDA Approves Viral Adulterations of Our Food Supply

On August 18, 2006, the FDA approved a viral cocktail to be sprayed on foods we eat. This is the first time viruses have been approved for use as food additives. The FDA wants you to believe it will be safe to consume these viruses every day for the rest of your life with no adverse health effects. This is a monumental announcement by the FDA, indicating...


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