
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 206

12 21, 2012

Digestive Inflammation, Ghrelin and Food Cravings

Ghrelin is the hunger hormone made by your stomach; it travels to your brain and impacts your desire to eat. Digestive inflammation elevates ghrelin and increases appetite even when you don't need food. The more you crave sugar or carbohydrates the greater the problem. The problem can extend to an intense craving for high calorie foods of any type, and a...

03 07, 2013

Detoxification During Weight Loss

Learn to manage your detoxification systems properly as you lose weight; its an important determining factor in how much progress you make and whether of not you reach your goal weight.


Showing 6 of 234

01 10, 2009

Oat Beta Glucan Lowers Cholesterol

Concentrated oat beta-glucan, a fermentable fiber, lowers serum cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic adults in a randomized controlled trial.

01 09, 2009

Guar Gum and Satiety

Effect of hydrolyzed guar fiber on fasting and postprandial satiety and satiety hormones: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial during controlled weight loss.