
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 383

12 12, 2016

Mitochondria – Drugs that Injure and What Mitochondria Injury Looks Like

Mitochondrial damage is something that consumers need to be aware of. Many age-related and seemingly unrelated disorders occur as a result of cumulative damage to mitochondria. Unfortunately, the list of medications damaging mitochondria function continues to expand. Are your medications damaging your mitochondria and putting your health at risk?

09 30, 2008

Exercise Can Help Preserve Your Mind

There is an epidemic of early onset cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease in the American public, a public health catastrophe that will only be getting worse as the wave of baby boomers enters their 60s. A new study indicates there is a simple way for you to prevent this problem – exercise.

08 20, 2012

Insulin, Leptin, and Blood Sugar – Why Diabetic Medication Fails

Type 2 diabetes is a difficult metabolic problem. It is a national embarrassment that so many of our young people are becoming type 2 diabetic. It is a national disgrace that millions of type 2 diabetic patients are being injured with commonly used diabetic medications that are known to make their metabolic situation worse.

03 18, 2009

The Potential for Intelligence is Inherited

A unique brain-imaging study of identical twins and fraternal twins has shown that genes have a profound influence on the integrity of nerve cell connections, resulting in faster processing speed and potential for intelligence. The study identified that the health of the myelin sheathing of nerves was a key sign of brain health.

02 29, 2012

Pantethine – Boost Your Brain, Cardio Health, Metabolism, and Detoxification

Pantethine can dramatically change your health and improve your metabolism. Pantethine, like no other nutrient, directly fuels the production Co-Enzyme A (CoA). CoA is a pivotal energy broker molecule in your metabolism, used in at least 70 metabolic pathways involved in the metabolism of fat, cholesterol, carbohydrates, and amino acids. Pantethine...


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