
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 77

08 27, 2009

The New World of Bones – Thyroid, Leptin, Blood Sugar, and Bone Strength

In 1994, with the discovery of leptin, the view of white adipose tissue was transformed from a warehouse whose primary role was the storage of extra calories into one of the most important endocrine organs in the human body. The explosion in leptin-related research, now involving over 16,000 studies, is a testament to the emerging reality that leptin...

11 01, 2021

Squalene - Benefits Beyond Skin Health

Squalene is an oil that not only helps with dry and cracked skin, but also enhances antioxidant levels, cholesterol metabolism, and even detoxification pathways.

08 02, 2021

Feed Your Busy Brain

Our brain health is often overlooked, but emotions, stress tolerance, the ability to focus and more all depend on it. Proper nutrients and care are required to function optimally.


Showing 6 of 187

04 09, 2008

Tocotrienols Work In Part by Modulating NF-kappaB

Gamma-tocotrienol inhibits nuclear factor-kappaB signaling pathway through inhibition of receptor-interacting protein and TAK1 leading to suppression of antiapoptotic gene products and potentiation of apoptosis..

05 30, 2012

Gamma Tocotrienol and Asthma

Vitamin E forms inhibit IL-13/STAT6-induced eotaxin-3 secretion by up-regulation of PAR4, an endogenous inhibitor of atypical PKC in human lung epithelial cells