
Health Topics

Showing 3 of 63

How Your Body Removes Toxins

There are many bizarre ideas about detoxification. Everyone hears ads for stripping pounds of debris off the lining of their colon or doing a liver flush or doing a two-week juice fast detox program at which point you are supposed to be free of all toxins. By and large such strategies are nonsense and are actually hard on your body. Fasting for more than...

Cleansing the Lymph System

The fluid around all your cells is called lymph fluid. It moves waste products through various lymph channels and nodes which have two main outlets (thoracic ducts) on either side of your spine around the shoulder areas of your back. Pressure, stiffness, or pain building up in this region is a sign of lymphatic congestion.Your lymph is more active at...

Mary's Favorite Adrenal Supplements

When you undergo increased stress of any type, it puts a toll on your adrenal glands. You may feel low energy in the morning, poor stress response, even the feeling of exhaustion and unstable mood. These are signs it’s time for you to give your adrenal glands extra nutritional support. I have found that by taking Wellness Resources Adrenal Helper and...


Showing 6 of 330

11 07, 2007

High Fat Diet Disturbs Body Clock

Researchers conducted a simple mouse experiment that showed eating a diet too high in fat causes a disruption of the 24-hour biological clock. While their experiment is simple, and their results not unexpected, the meaning of the results is profound.

05 22, 2012

Coffee Drinking Associated with Longer Life

A National Institutes of Health study of more than 400,000 U.S. men and women aged 50 to 71 found that 3 to 4 cups of coffee per day, regular or decaffeinated, reduces the risk of death by 10 percent.

09 08, 2014

GABA: Managing Brain Stimulation, Anxiety, and Other Consequences

Stimulation surrounds us everywhere and everyday. Our nervous system has to process and filter this stimulation 24/7. Oftentimes, we do not realize how massive the job is in managing stimulation until something goes wrong. This may manifest as a migraine headache, panic, anxiety, depression or feeling stressed out. Sometimes it is more serious, such as...

09 18, 2011

Chocolate Reduces Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke

The British Medical Journal is jumping on the chocolate bandwagon, publishing a study that shows the highest levels of chocolate consumption compared to no chocolate consumption resulted in a 37 percent reduction in cardiovascular disease and a 29 percent reduction in stroke. This conclusion was based on a meta-analysis involving seven studies and 114,000...


Showing 6 of 360
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