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    Health Topics

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    Weight Loss Before Pregnancy

    If you are struggling with body weight prior to pregnancy you are wrestling with an inefficient leptin system that will invariably increase the risk for problems during and following pregnancy. Whenever possible, you should be at a proper body weight for at least six months prior to getting pregnant. Minimally, you should have weight issues trending...

    Improving Fertility

    Good nutrition is fundamental to fertility. All of the nutrition tips given in this section will assist fertility. The proper function of leptin and thyroid hormones is of vital importance. Too little body fat and your subconscious brain thinks you don't have enough energy on hand to get pregnant. If you are overweight you end up with leptin resistance, a...

    Quality Iron Vital for Healthy Pregnancy

    Adequate stores of iron are vital for healthy pregnancy. Iron is needed to assemble proteins to form all aspects of your baby's body; it is required for growth and intelligence. Your body handles iron with great care and caution; indeed, poor quality iron supplementation can cause a lot of problems.Not all women need supplemental iron prior to getting...

    Protein Needed for Baby's Growth

    Protein is by far the most important macro nutrient needed during pregnancy. It is required for construction of your baby's body. Protein malnutrition is a serious problem and can result in premature delivery, poor brain development, immune system weakness, and a failure to maximize genetic potential during fetal development.Our government has arbitrarily...

    Prenatal Iodine: Great for Intelligence

    Iodine is essential for brain function and intelligence. Since 2001, there have been numerous studies showing the importance of iodine during pregnancy, not only to help your thyroid work better, but specifically for the cognitive and neurological development of your child.It is important to understand that there is a window of time, especially the first...

    Calcium and Bone Health

    It has been documented that calcium is mobilized from a mother's bones during pregnancy and helps build the baby's bones, a natural process. The loss of bone mineral density during pregnancy may be 5%, but that bone density is typically replaced within a year. Breast feeding appears to assist bone remineralization in the mother.There is some evidence to...


    Showing 6 of 567

    01 08, 2018

    Thyroid Hormone Affects the Whole Body

    Thyroid hormones affect the entire body in ways that are often not thought about. Could your health concern be related to an underlying thyroid condition?

    08 15, 2008

    Coordination, Thyroid, and Obesity

    Early impairment of nerve-related function is a clear risk for developing later-life obesity, so concludes new research published in the British Journal of Medicine.


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