
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 97

10 28, 2019

This is Your Brain on Pop

Recent findings show that regular soda pop consumption creates a number of unhealthy effects on the brain.

06 18, 2008

Western Medicine Fails Tim Russert

The shocking death of Tim Russert last Friday has left an entire nation wondering what happened. He was a model patient, doing everything his doctors asked. All major media have run articles trying to explain the nuances and difficulties in treating coronary artery disease. These articles find little fault in Russert's care, trying to create the idea...

09 12, 2022

Heart Rate Variability - What's Your Trend?

Heart Rate Variability is a helpful measurement to see how your body is functioning and adapting to stress. Are you measuring yours? Do you know how to improve your numbers?

01 21, 2019

Low Thyroid Hormone and Brain Inflammation in CFS

There is an underlying theme between thyroid function and CFS -- neuroinflammation and dysfunctional metabolism. There is an additional need for brain and metabolic support here. Learn how to help.


Showing 6 of 183
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