
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 77

11 11, 2008

Desperate Big Pharma Push to Double Statin Sales

In the face of overwhelming negative science the statin marketing machine marches on, now suggesting that statins should be given to middle aged men and women even though they don’t have elevated cholesterol.

08 10, 2020

5 Ways to Manage Histamine

Sneezing? Itchy Skin? Or other symptoms that make you feel miserable from too much histamine? Histamine is not always bad for you, but it does have to be managed. Learn how!

05 15, 2023

Liver Health and Weight Management

Fatty sludge in the liver is a growing health concern. See how lifestyle changes and nutrient support can improve your liver's ability to process fats.

09 16, 2008

New Data on Dental Health & Heart Disease

The clear links between dental health and heart disease just got a lot stronger, which may now be a motivational factor for many people to improve oral hygiene. People with bleeding gums allow entry of up to 700 different types of bacteria directly into their circulation, increasing the risk for a heart attack.


Showing 6 of 187

03 07, 2008

Tocotrienols and Prostate Cancer

Tocotrienol-rich fraction of palm oil induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis selectively in human prostate cancer cells.