
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 73

06 11, 2018

A Healthy Gut is Vital for a Happy Mood

There has been a shift in depression research and treatment. Research is now focused on the line of communication between the gut and the brain as a way of reducing inflammation in the brain.

10 26, 2020

Natural Support for Menstrual Discomfort

Are you eating an inflammatory diet? Higher levels of certain inflammatory compounds contribute to more uterine cramping in the few hours before or the first day of the menses.

09 19, 2016

Cell Phones, MRIs, Wi-Fi Cause Microleakage of Dental Amalgam Fillings

Research in the last few years has brought a new revelation regarding the safety of EMF exposure like MRI scans, cell phones, Wi-Fi and its affect on dental amalgam fillings. Increasing exposure to electrical devices and EMFs over the recent decades has led to the study of mercury “microleakage” as a result of silver dental fillings exposed to common...


Showing 6 of 67

08 29, 2011

DHA and Stroke Damage

Accumulation of Dietary Docosahexaenoic Acid in the Brain Attenuates Acute Immune Response and Development of Postischemic Neuronal Damage
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