
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 115

06 18, 2017

Brain Atrophy Found in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

A new study confirms previous studies that found there are definite brain challenges with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME). It's not inevitable though. Discover how to properly nourish your brain and prevent the mental decline that can happen with this condition.

08 21, 2008

Candida Helps Cause Periodontal Problems

Candida albicans overgrowth can form biofilms in your oral cavity that coat the subgingival area and drive the process of periodontal infection. A recent study of 53 otherwise healthy patients with periodontitis found that 40% of them had such a problem with Candida.

02 21, 2011

How Leptin Problems Raise Blood Pressure

Leptin registering in your brain is fully responsible for your metabolic go signal. If leptin does not register properly then your brain thinks there is a food shortage and you may be starving. Unfortunately, most overweight people have way too much leptin in their blood (leptin resistance) and not enough leptin getting into their brain and registering...

04 22, 2019

How to Eat for Blood Sugar Health

It’s essential to understand blood sugar health and how to eat in an optimal way to support healthy insulin function. This will help you more easily burn fat for fuel and keep weight off.


Showing 6 of 127