
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 73

01 21, 2019

Low Thyroid Hormone and Brain Inflammation in CFS

There is an underlying theme between thyroid function and CFS -- neuroinflammation and dysfunctional metabolism. There is an additional need for brain and metabolic support here. Learn how to help.

11 28, 2016

Hearing Loss Associated with Insufficient Nutrients

Half of all people over the age of 65 experience age-related hearing loss, but it affects all ages as well. There are multiple factors that can lead to hearing loss including common nutrient deficiencies. Don't let a simple nutrient deficiency cause you to miss out on life. Discover the nutrients that support hearing.

08 10, 2020

5 Ways to Manage Histamine

Sneezing? Itchy Skin? Or other symptoms that make you feel miserable from too much histamine? Histamine is not always bad for you, but it does have to be managed. Learn how!

05 15, 2023

Liver Health and Weight Management

Fatty sludge in the liver is a growing health concern. See how lifestyle changes and nutrient support can improve your liver's ability to process fats.

09 19, 2016

Cell Phones, MRIs, Wi-Fi Cause Microleakage of Dental Amalgam Fillings

Research in the last few years has brought a new revelation regarding the safety of EMF exposure like MRI scans, cell phones, Wi-Fi and its affect on dental amalgam fillings. Increasing exposure to electrical devices and EMFs over the recent decades has led to the study of mercury “microleakage” as a result of silver dental fillings exposed to common...


Showing 6 of 75

09 13, 2013

Bacopa Enhances BDNF Production

Bacopa monnieri Ameliorates Memory Deficits in Olfactory Bulbectomized Mice: Possible Involvement of Glutamatergic and Cholinergic Systems.