
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 90

12 28, 2020

2020 Health Stories: Year in Review

2020 will go undoubtedly go down as a year for the record books far into the future. COVID-19 has turned lives and normalcy as we knew it upside down.

01 29, 2011

Drug Marketing Injures Patients

Mainstream public health officials are now turning on Big Pharma. As I pointed out in my recent posting, Statins Develop Mainstream Cracks in Their Image, the Big Pharma PR machine is running into a brick wall. The attack is widening, with a new study proclaiming that “The ratio of benefits to harms among patients taking new drugs tends to vary inversely...

01 12, 2009

What is Leptin?

I have spent more than twenty years on the front lines of clinical nutrition helping thousands of people solve very difficult health problems – naturally. In all these years I have never encountered more powerful principles of health than those relating to leptin.


Showing 6 of 89