Study Title:

Which drugs are risk factors for the development of gastroesophageal reflux disease?

Study Abstract

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which is common in many communities, is associated with structural
factors, eating habits, and the use of certain drugs. The use of such drugs can lead to the emergence of GERD
and can also exacerbate existing reflux symptoms. These drugs can contribute to GERD by directly causing
mucosal damage, by reducing lower esophageal sphincter pressure (LESP), or by affecting esophagogastric
motility. In this article, we report our investigation of the relationships between GERD and medications within
the scope of the “Turkish GERD Consensus Group.” For the medication groups for which sufficient data were
obtained (Figure 1), a systematic literature review in English was conducted using the keywords “gastroesophageal
reflux” [MeSH Terms] and “anti-inflammatory agents, non-steroidal” [MeSH Terms], “gastroesophageal reflux”
[MeSH Terms] and “acetylsalicylic acid” [MeSH Terms], “gastroesophageal reflux” [All Fields] and “estrogenic
agents” [All Fields], “gastroesophageal reflux” [All Fields] and “progesterones” [All Fields], “gastroesophageal reflux”
[All Fields] and “hormone replacement therapy” [All Fields], “gastroesophageal reflux” [MeSH Terms] and
“diphosphonates” [MeSH Terms] OR “diphosphonates” [All Fields], “calcium channel blockers” [MeSH Terms] and
“gastroesophageal reflux” [MeSH Terms], “gastroesophageal reflux” [MeSH Terms] and “nitrates” [MeSH Terms],
“gastroesophageal reflux” [MeSH Terms] and “antidepressive agents” [MeSH Terms], “gastroesophageal reflux”
[MeSH Terms] and “benzodiazepines” [MeSH Terms] and “hypnotic drugs” [MeSH Terms], “gastroesophageal
reflux” [MeSH Terms] and “cholinergic antagonists” [MeSH Terms], “gastroesophageal reflux” [MeSH Terms] and
“theophylline” [MeSH Terms], and “gastroesophageal reflux [MeSH Terms] AND “anti-asthmatic agents” [MeSH
Terms]. The studies were analyzed and the results are presented here.
Keywords: Gastroesophageal reflux disease, non-steroidal drugs, acetylsalicylic acid, oral contraceptive drugs,
hormone replacement therapy, diphosphanates, calcium chanel blockers, nitrates, antidepressive drugs, cholinergic
antagonists, anti-asthmatic agents

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