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Study Abstract

In the spring of 1961 the Swiss industrialist Bernauer visited me, recommended by Dr. Kohler, Alsbach, with whom I have had a very fruitful scientific collaboration. Bernauer, owner of Wolo AG in Zurich, asked me: “A married couple, Ferrari, has been studying the substance called 2-aminoethanol phosphate or in short colamine phosphate. Dr. Kohler in Alsbach has referred me to you, because I wonder if it would make sense to make an iron salt or an iron complex compound of it.” In 1939-41, the world-famous biochemist Erwin Chargaff had reported on that substance, identifying it as a partial component in the structure of cell membrane. I had been well aware of the continuing research of the Ferraris’ and of Dr. Harkness for some time. My answer to Mr. Bernauer was that I would consider ferrous salt in such a compound rather risky, and testing would be immensely difficult. In fact, iron-EAP, as colamine phosphates are called (for short), had never been produced as far as I knew at that time. I did not involve myself any further in this matter, although I did conceive of iron-orotate later in another type of so-called mineral transport substances, the orotates. Iron-orotate is still marketed today (by an U.S. owned company) in Eschwege, W. Germany. Still, on the same day, I asked Dr. Kohler to produce, not the ferrous salt, but calcium, magnesium, and potassium salts of the colamine phosphates. From the beginning, these new substances were special to me since they deviated considerably from the “electrolytecarriers” previously developed by me, e.g. the magnesium salts of the aspartates, arginates, para-aminobenzoic acid and some peptides. During a meeting at the firm of Trommsdorf in Aachen in 1962, Dr. Kohler proudly reported that he already had several kilos of potassium, magnesium, and calcium-EAP, and that this would perhaps develop into something “really big.” I didn’t see at the time where the appropriate application might be, but Kohler was obviously correct in his premonition. It
took some 25 plus years following Dr. Kohler’s death until the EAP salts would turn into a biologically active substance of the dimension not yet fathomable. Following the cell membrane model of the Swiss scientist Buchi, colamine phosphate is integrated into the cell membrane in a way that it is localized on the outside on the external cell membrane, mainly at the entrance Spots into the so-called free lipid pore. From communications by Dr. Pressman, New York, we know today that colamine phosphates are part of the so-called neurotransmitters, i.e. substances necessary for conducting an electric signal to biological structures. In addition, the substance is obviously necessary to retain said charges, especially of calcium, on the membrane surface. The resulting change is extremely significant because, in this way, the cell membranes can function like an electric condenser, except that the areas containing the charge do not consist of metal as they do in technology but of biologically retained (bound) calcium linings. Colamine phosphate salts, and calcium salt, in particular, are therefore indispensable in supporting the condenser function of the cell membrane. We will refer back to this lifedeciding factor later.

Clinical Testing

From approximately 1963 on, we started to apply calcium and magnesium-EAP clinically with the intention of protecting the cell membranes against unwanted intruders, e.g. antibodies, toxins and viruses. These unwanted intruders can only enter through the so-called free lipid pore of the cell membrane, at whose entrance – as mentioned before – the colamine phosphate is in position. We presumed, therefore, that the supply of calcium EAP would have a special sealing function because of the rejective effect of calcium. Our expectation proved to be correct. Already in 1971, Monninghoff, Munster, W. Germany, published electron microscopic research demonstrating in a spectacular manner how the sealing of cell membranes with calcium-EAP (and also with calcium aspartate) could prevent penetration of peroxidase granules. Peroxidase granules can be followed very well by electron microscopy in an experimental setting since they provide a highly suitable testing model.

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Study Information

By Hans A. Nieper, M.D. of Hannover, Germany Translated from Aug/Sept 1988 raum & zeit(“space & time”) This material is reprinted by permission from the May-July 1996 issue of Australasian Health & Healing29 Terrace St. (P.O. Box 206) Kingscliff, NSW 2487 Australia Tel: (02) 6674-2407 Fax: (02) 6674-3633

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