Study Title:

Protective molecular mechanisms of resveratrol in UVR-induced Skin carcinogenesis.

Study Abstract

Skin cancer is a major health problem worldwide. It is the most common cancer in the United States and poses a significant healthcare burden. Excessive UVR exposure is the most common cause of skin cancer. Despite various precautionary measures to avoid direct UVR exposure, the incidence of skin cancer and mortality related to it remains high. Furthermore, the current treatment options are expensive and have side effects including toxicity to normal cells. Thus, a safe and effective approach is needed to prevent and treat skin cancer. Chemopreventive strategy using naturally occurring compounds, such as resveratrol, is a promising approach to reduce the incidence of UVR-induced skin cancer and delay its progression. This review highlights the current body of evidence related to chemopreventive role of resveratrol and its molecular mechanisms in UVR-induced skin carcinogenesis.

Study Information

Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed. 2018 Jan;34(1):35-41. doi: 10.1111/phpp.12336. Epub 2017 Aug 29. PMID: 28767162.

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