Study Title:

Implications for circadian rhythmicity, metabolism and obesity.

Study Abstract

Artificial light decreases the amplitude of daily rhythms in human lifestyle principally by permitting activity and food intake to occur during hours of darkness, and allowing day-time activity to occur in dim light, indoors. Endogenous circadian timing mechanisms that oscillate with a period of 24 h have evolved to ensure physiology is synchronized with the daily variations in light, food, and social cues of the environment. Artificial light affects the synchronization between these oscillators, and metabolic disruption may be one consequence of this. By dampening the amplitude of environmental timing cues and disrupting circadian rhythmicity, artificial lighting might initiate metabolic disruption and contribute to the association between global urbanization and obesity. The aim of this review is to explore the historical, physiological, and epidemiological relationships between artificial light and circadian and metabolic dysfunction.

Study Information

Wyse CA, Biello SM, Gill JM.
The bright-nights and dim-days of the urban photoperiod: Implications for circadian rhythmicity, metabolism and obesity.
Ann Med.
2014 June
Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G61 1QH, UK.

Full Study


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