Study Title:
Effects of a short-term Interval Aerobic Training Programme with active Recovery bouts (IATP-R) on cognitive and mental health, functional performance and quality of life: A randomised controlled trial in sedentary seniors.
Study Abstract
Interval aerobic training programme with active recovery bouts (IATP-R) has shown to improve tolerance to IATP among seniors. However, data concerning its benefits for seniors' health are still limited.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of IATP-R on seniors' health status.
Sedentary volunteers (n = 60, aged ≥70 years) were randomly assigned to either IATP-R or maintained sedentary lifestyle for 9.5 weeks. IATP-R consisted of 30-minute cycling (6 × 4 minutes at first ventilatory threshold (VT1 ) intensity + 1 minute at 40% of VT1 ) twice a week. Cognitive and functional performances were assessed with the Trail Making Test (TMT-A; TMT-B); Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT); Timed Up and Go (TUG) test; 6-Minute Walk Test (6-MWT); one-leg balance test; and the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) tests, respectively. QoL and anxiety/depression status were measured by the Short Form-12 and the Goldberg's Scale, respectively. All participants were assessed at baseline and 9.5 weeks later.
Compared to controls, IATP-R improved cognitive functions (TMT-A: +1.5% vs -21.5%; TMT-B: +0.9% vs -13.3%; PASAT: +1.4% vs -14.6%; semantic fluency: -1.1% vs +11.7%), functional performance (TUG: +5.4% vs -16.5%; 6-MWT: -3.2% vs +11.5%; SPPB: -3.2% vs +14.6%; One-leg balance: -16.3% vs +25.0%); QoL (physical health: -13.3% vs +23.1%; mental health: -7.1% vs +8.2%); and depressive symptoms (+26.3% vs -42.8%). Significant impacts were measured neither on letter modality of fluency tasks nor on anxiety score.
These data showed that IATP-R is an effective training programme to improve functional and cognitive performances, mental health and well-being in sedentary seniors. Trial registration NCT02263573. Registered October 1, 2014.
Study Information
Int J Clin Pract. 2019 Jan;73(1):e13219. doi: 10.1111/ijcp.13219. Epub 2018 Jul 2.Full Study News
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