Study Title:

Effect of iron deficiency anemia on audiovisual reaction time in adolescent girls.

Study Abstract

Adolescent girls are at high risk of developing iron deficiency because of increased iron demands during puberty, menstrual losses, and limited dietary iron intake. This study was carried out to demonstrate the effects of Iron Deficiency Anemia on Audiovisual reaction time in adolescent girls. Adolescent girls between 17-19 years of age with similar socioeconomic background were recruited from college of nursing for the study. They were all screened and categorized into two groups depending on their haemoglobin status. Students having Hb > 12 gm/dl formed the control group i.e. Group I (n=30). All students having Hb < 12 gm/dl and S. Ferritin < 12 microg/dl formed group II i.e. iron deficient anemic (IDA) group. The following haematological parameters were studied Hemoglobin (Hb), MCV, MCH, MCHC (using Sysmex kx-21 Autoanalyser), Serum.Iron, TIBC (Spectrophotometry), Serum.Ferritin (ELISA). Auditory and Visual reaction time were measured by reaction time instrument supplied by Medicaid system, chandigarh. The mean Hb levels in Group I was 12.93 +/- 0.86 and Group II was 10.08 +/- 0.51 (P<0.001). The MCV, MCH, MCHC, S. Iron, S. Ferritin was also significantly less in group II as compared to group I (P<0.001). TIBC was significantly more in group II as compared to group I (P<0.001). Results showed that both ART and VRT were significantly increased (P<0.001) in iron deficient adolescents suggesting a deterioration in sensorimotor performance in anemics.

Study Information

Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 2011 Jan-Mar;55(1):53-9. PMID: 22315810.

Full Study


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