Study Title:

Effect of fluoride on endocrine tissues and their secretory functions -- review.

Study Abstract

The effects of fluoride on endocrine tissues has not been sufficiently explored to date. The current body of knowledge suggest significant effects of that mineral on reducing sex hormone levels, which may consequently impair fertility and disrupt puberty. The majority of studies confirm that sodium fluoride increases TSH levels and decreases the concentrations of T3 and T4 produced by the thyroid. Moreover, a correlation was observed between NaF and increased secretion of PTH by the parathyroid glands, without a significant impact on body calcium levels. Probably, fluoride may exert adverse effects on insulin levels, impairing pancreatic function and resulting in abnormal glucose tolerance. Observations also include decreased levels of cortisol secreted by the adrenal glands. In light of the few existing studies, the mechanism of fluoride toxicity on the endocrine system has been described.

Study Information

Chemosphere. 2020 Dec;260:127565. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127565. Epub 2020 Jul 9. PMID: 32758781.

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