Study Title:
Clinical features related to statin-associated muscle symptoms
Study Abstract
Introduction: Statins reduce cardiovascular disease risk and are generally well tolerated, yet up to 0.5% of statin-treated patients develop incapacitating muscle symptoms including rhabdomyolysis. Our objective was to identify clinical factors related to statin-associated muscle symptoms (SAMS).
Methods: Clinical and laboratory characteristics were evaluated in 748 statin-treated Caucasians (634 with SAMS and 114 statin-tolerant controls). Information was collected on statin type, concomitant drug therapies, muscle symptom history, comorbidities, and family history. Logistic regression was used to identify associations.
Results: Individuals with SAMS were 3.6 times (odds ratio [OR] 3.60, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.08-6.22) more likely than statin-tolerant controls to have a family history of heart disease. Additional associations included obesity (OR 3.08, 95% CI 1.18, 8.05), hypertension (OR 2.24, 95% CI 1.33, 3.77), smoking (OR 2.08, 95% CI 1.16, 3.74), and statin type.
Discussion: Careful medical monitoring of statin-treated patients with the associated coexisting conditions may ultimately reduce muscle symptoms and lead to improved compliance. Muscle Nerve 59:537-537, 2019.
Keywords: muscle disease; rhabdomyolysis; risk factors; statin-associated muscle symptoms; statins.
© 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Study Information
Muscle Nerve . 2019 May;59(5):537-543. doi: 10.1002/mus.26397. Epub 2019 Jan 11.Full Study News
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