Study Title:
Calcium Helps Produce Adiponectin
Study Abstract
BACKGROUND: Adiponectin, an adipocyte-specific secretory protein, is known to circulate as different isoforms in the blood stream.
METHODS: Using sucrose gradients and Western blotting on nondenaturing gels, adiponectin isoforms were examined in human serum, plasma, adipose tissue, and cells. The medium from human adipose tissue and human and mouse adipocytes were also examined for changes in isoform formation upon treatment with EGTA.
RESULTS: Comparison of adiponectin complexes revealed distinct differences in distribution of high molecular weight (HMW) forms between human serum and plasma, with an apparent difference in molecular weight. Variation in molecular weight suggested a probable dissociation of the HMW isoforms in the presence of EDTA in the plasma. Examination of human serum samples treated with EDTA or EGTA showed a partial dissociation of the HMW isoform, while the addition of excess calcium, but not magnesium, to human plasma resulted in partial restoration of HMW adiponectin. When human adipose tissue-secreted adiponectin was treated with EGTA, there was a decrease in the HMW isoform by 61% (+/- 1.89%) and a corresponding increase in low molecular weight (LMW) and middle molecular weight (MMW) isoforms, compared to untreated samples. Analysis of mouse and human adipocytes also showed a reduction in HMW isoforms with a corresponding increase in MMW and LMW isoforms upon treatment with EGTA. The Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome (SGBS) human adipocyte cell line, which primarily synthesizes LMW isoforms, produced increasing amounts of HMW adiponectin upon treatment with calcium in a dose-dependent manner.
CONCLUSION: These data indicate that calcium promotes the formation of HMW adiponectin, and calcium sequestration decreases HMW adiponectin. Because of the importance of HMW adiponectin in insulin sensitivity, these data demonstrate the importance of assay conditions and sample preparation in the measurement of adiponectin isoforms.
Study Information
Banga A, Bodles AM, Rasouli N, Ranganathan G, Kern PA, Owens RJ.Calcium Is Involved in Formation of High Molecular Weight Adiponectin
Metab Syndr Relat Disord.
2008 June
Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System and Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA.
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