Study Title:

Appendix 10. Food Sources of Potassium

Study Abstract

Food Standard Portion Size Calories in Standard Portiona Potassium in Standard Portion (mg)a Calories per 100 gramsa
Potato, baked, flesh and skin 1 medium 163 941 94
Prune juice, canned 1 cup 182 707 71
Carrot juice, canned 1 cup 94 689 40
Passion-fruit juice, yellow or purple 1 cup 126-148 687 51-60
Tomato paste, canned ¼ cup 54 669 82
Beet greens, cooked from fresh ½ cup 19 654 27
Adzuki beans, cooked ½ cup 147 612 128
White beans, canned ½ cup 149 595 114
Plain yogurt, nonfat 1 cup 127 579 56
Tomato puree ½ cup 48 549 38
Sweet potato, baked in skin 1 medium 103 542 90
Salmon, Atlantic, wild, cooked 3 ounces 155 534 182
Clams, canned 3 ounces 121 534 142
Pomegranate juice 1 cup 134 533 54
Plain yogurt, low-fat 8 ounces 143 531 63
Tomato juice, canned 1 cup 41 527 17
Orange juice, fresh 1 cup 112 496 45
Soybeans, green, cooked ½ cup 127 485 141
Chard, swiss, cooked ½ cup 18 481 20
Lima beans, cooked ½ cup 108 478 115
Mackerel, various types, cooked 3 ounces 114-171 443-474 134-201
Vegetable juice, canned 1 cup 48 468 19
Chili with beans, canned ½ cup 144 467 112
Great northern beans, canned ½ cup 150 460 114
Yam, cooked ½ cup 79 456 116
Halibut, cooked 3 ounces 94 449 111
Tuna, yellowfin, cooked 3 ounces 111 448 130
Acorn squash, cooked ½ cup 58 448 56
Snapper, cooked 3 ounces 109 444 128
Soybeans, mature, cooked ½ cup 149 443 173
Tangerine juice, fresh 1 cup 106 440 43
Pink beans, cooked ½ cup 126 430 149
Chocolate milk (1%, 2% and whole) 1 cup 178-208 418-425 71-83
Amaranth leaves, cooked ½ cup 14 423 21
Banana 1 medium 105 422 89
Spinach, cooked from fresh or canned ½ cup 21-25 370-419 23
Black turtle beans, cooked ½ cup 121 401 130
Peaches, dried, uncooked ¼ cup 96 399 239
Prunes, stewed ½ cup 133 398 107
Rockfish, Pacific, cooked 3 ounces 93 397 109
Rainbow trout, wild or farmed, cooked 3 ounces 128-143 381-383 150-168
Skim milk (nonfat) 1 cup 83 382 34
Refried beans, canned, traditional ½ cup 106 380 89
Apricots, dried, uncooked ¼ cup 78 378 241
Pinto beans, cooked ½ cup 123 373 143
Lentils, cooked ½ cup 115 365 116
Avocado ½ cup 120 364 160
Tomato sauce, canned ½ cup 30 364 24
Plantains, slices, cooked ½ cup 89 358 116
Kidney beans, cooked ½ cup 113 357 127
Navy beans, cooked ½ cup 128 354 140

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