Study Title:

A plasma oxidative stress global index in early stages of chronic venous insufficiency.

Study Abstract

Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) represents a social and health care problem because it affects working age populations, particularly in jobs requiring orthostasis, has no effective pharmacologic treatment, and requires surgery. Oxidative stress is present in varicose veins, but whether this is reflected in the plasma is controversial. We aimed to quantify plasma oxidative stress biomarkers in the early stages of CVI and calculate a global index of oxidative stress representative of the disease.
Plasma was obtained from blood samples of nine patients with CEAP C2 stage CVI and 10 healthy controls. Biomarkers related to antioxidant defense systems (total thiols, reduced glutathione, uric acid, total antioxidant capacity, catalase), oxidative damage (malondialdehyde-bound protein, protein carbonyls, advanced oxidation products, and 3-nitrotyrosine), and activity of enzymes producing key free radicals (xanthine oxidase and myeloperoxidase) were assessed.
Compared with the controls, CVI patients exhibited decreased catalase activity and thiol levels and increased malondialdehyde-bound protein and protein carbonyls. These parameters were used to calculate the global index of oxidative stress in CVI, which was significantly different between groups.
It is possible to detect significant changes in plasma oxidative stress biomarkers in early stages of CVI and to calculate a global index representative of the oxidative status in an individual. This index, with the appropriate validation in a larger population, could be used for early detection or progression of CVI.

Study Information

A plasma oxidative stress global index in early stages of chronic venous insufficiency.
J Vasc Surg.
2013 January


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