Why Blood Pressure Medication Often Raises Blood Pressure

By Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist

August 25, 2010

Why Blood Pressure Medication Often Raises Blood Pressure
The inability of the medical profession to actually think about what they are doing when they prescribe medications is highlighted by a new study warning that much of the blood pressure medication given may actually be making blood pressure worse. This is what happens in a society wherein high-priced Big Pharma drugs are pushed on patients regardless of their lack of results and likelihood of worsening health. Administering this barbaric form of snake-oil sales is the modern medical doctor. This Western-medicine drug pusher is focused on changing numbers and symptoms with almost no consideration at all for what they are actually doing to their patient. American taxpayers are paying dearly for this gross incompetence.

Virtually all of the new type of commonly prescribed blood pressure medications (calcium channel blockers, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors) have the net effect of short-circuiting the function of your kidneys to drive down blood pressure. Your kidney’s make an enzyme called renin, which intentionally and quite naturally causes your blood pressure to rise so as to maintain proper fluid volume in your body. Medical doctors automatically assume, based on the Big Pharma training they receive from the purveyors of blood pressure snake oil, that this system automatically needs to be blunted in any person with high blood pressure.

A new study explains that many people with high blood pressure1 actually have low renin function resulting in high blood pressure and that giving these medications makes them worse – even further elevating their high blood pressure. Doctors don’t measure for renin levels partly because the test is expensive and partly because they don’t really want to know. Since renin function is often low in individuals who consume too much salt or are diabetic, the numbers of individuals being recklessly injured by the standard practice of medicine is substantial.

Underlying this significant competence problem is the fact that doctors think changing a blood pressure number has somehow produced health – which is seldom the case with any blood pressure medication even when it lowers blood pressure. The renin system of your kidneys is vital to maintaining fluid balance and blood volume. If the system is stressed and that is resulting in high blood pressure then most people would agree that a health professional should seek to figure out what is punching the system in the nose, not just focus on the bloody nose.

It has been known for almost four decades that dysfunction of the sodium/potassium pump2 at cell membranes is causing the depression of renin function in the kidneys. This problem can be corrected by reducing sodium intake and increasing potassium intake. Magnesium is also a co-factor in the function of this pump and needed for it to work. Thus, increasing potassium and magnesium intake can directly improve the source of the problem and should really be the first line effort of any person with elevating blood pressure. There is no profit for Big Pharma in such an easily solvable problem.

Another new study explains that the traditional risk factors for heart disease3 are not all that important compared to circulatory inflammation and the effects it has on your body, including the induced dysfunction to your kidney’s and their renin system. In other words, Western medicine’s theories that promote drug sales are not basic health truths and exist primarily for the sales of drugs and not for your health.

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