Turmeric is a Goldmine for Women’s, Men’s, and Colon Health
September 23, 2024
Turmeric is a golden-colored spice with a goldmine of health benefits. We know that it is great for joints, gut, brain, heart health, fat burning, and much more. New research demonstrates turmeric’s support for women’s health, men’s health, and protection to the colon.
Women’s Hormonal Health
An increasing number of women face insulin resistance and menstrual hormonal imbalances regardless of body weight, although obesity often worsens these concerns. This pattern leads to increased androgen hormone levels contributing to facial hair growth, difficulty with family planning, and unexpected weight gain.
Turmeric’s effect on these hormonal concerns was recently evaluated in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Results showed that women who consumed turmeric supplements experienced positive hormonal changes with DHEA, an adrenal steroid hormone and insulin resulting in a healthy balance.
Women’s hormonal health challenges are often coupled with weight management concerns. Hollywood stars and others have promoted the popular craze to powerful drugs to shut down appetite and lose weight, even though they have dangerous side effects.
Turmeric is a natural option for weight management and appetite control as it is a natural GLP-1 supporter. It safely increases the natural secretion of this satiety hormone. Turmeric aids metabolism and hormonal challenges naturally.
Another interesting study uncovered a relationship between turmeric and vitamin D. In this women’s hormonal health study, participants received turmeric before and during their menstrual cycle for ten days over the course of three months. Study results showed that turmeric helped with menstrual cycle comfort as well as raised their vitamin D levels. Cellular studies have previously demonstrated that curcumin interacts with vitamin D receptors and its molecular targets.
Turmeric also provides supportive benefits in post-menopausal women. Turmeric, when combined with exercise, supports heart health and the vascular endothelial lining despite the natural decline in estrogen.
Use of turmeric in post-menopause equivalent or estrogen deficient rodents demonstrated improved joint comfort and protected cartilage as much as estrogen replacement therapy. Turmeric intake led to reduced tissue levels of TNF-alpha, interleukins, etc. within the cartilage cells. Another study demonstrated turmeric’s efficacy in supporting bone density in post-menopausal/estrogen deficiency states.
Men’s Prostate Health
21st Century toxins, lower quality foods, and a chronic inflammatory lifestyle adversely challenge the prostate. Whether its multiple trips to the bathroom disrupting your sleep or being proactive to help an aging prostate, turmeric helps protect against age-related decline and stressors to the prostate.
Extensive studies on turmeric and prostate show several biological protective effects. Turmeric supports the healthy function of cell signaling pathways that involve removal of old, worn-out, and rogue cells. It is involved with modulation of growth factors, transcription factors, kinases and other enzymes, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and proteins that manage cell life/death remodeling.
A strong statement was made about turmeric in a 2024 meta-analysis. The authors concluded that “turmeric/curcumin exhibited a superior inhibitory effect” in men’s prostate health.
Another extensive review article outlined how turmeric supports several signaling pathways involved with management of rogue cells in men’s and women’s health. Turmeric downregulated androgen receptor dependent activity as well as modulating NF-kappaB, COX, Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL and several other pathways that affect the repair or cell quality within the prostate gland.
In women’s breast health, turmeric also inhibited Akt/mTOR, NF-kappaB MDR-1, Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, FEN1, and autocrineGH working to help the body naturally manage rogue cells.
Colon Health
One more area of interest is turmeric and colon health. Recent media spotlights have reported on the decline in colon health in increasingly younger individuals. Numerous factors stemming from ultra-processed Western diet and lifestyles contribute to these challenges. Try adding some spice to your diet with turmeric as it is a goldmine for colon health.
Cell studies demonstrate that curcumin affects several cell-signaling pathways that lead to the regulation of cell cycle proteins and mitochondria, transcription factors, cytokines, and hormonal activities in the colon. This helps with cleanup of the damage, injured cells and management of daily inflammatory reactions. Turmeric also supports maintenance of intestinal lining integrity and gut microbiome modifications.
This golden spice has been used for thousands of years. It has an outstanding record of safety, benefits, and effectiveness for health. We offer the highest bioavailability of turmeric/curcumin in Turmeric Gold, Repair Plus, and Brain Protector. I don’t leave home without taking my turmeric. I hope you take yours too!
Additional resources:
Flavonoids and Spices are Rockstars for Joint Health
Curcumin Supports Gut Lining and Health
Brain Fog and Irritability Linked to Glial Cell Health
Curcurmin and Heart Health Study