Snacking Associated With Increased Rates of Injury, Stress & Cognitive Malfunction

By Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist

May 20, 2011

Snacking Associated With Increased Rates of Injury, Stress & Cognitive Malfunction
A new study of 800 nurses1 found that those who snacked had higher stress, more cognitive failures at work, and more injuries outside of work.

I have long warned against snacking because it throws hormone switches involving insulin, leptin, and glucagon into a poor state of timing which will lower blood sugar in the brain improperly. Since your brain needs a stable supply of blood sugar for optimal function, a disruption in this process is certain to impact cognitive ability which is demonstrated by this study.

You are supposed to get a snack between meals – but it is supposed to come from your liver! The moral of the story is to eat in harmony with leptin or suffer the consequences.

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