Seventy Percent of U.S. Children Lack Vitamin D

By Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist

February 1, 2013

Seventy Percent of U.S. Children Lack Vitamin D
Researchers looked into a large number of children (6,000) from across the U.S. in an attempt to determine the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency1 in this population. The results were shocking, a whopping 70 percent. This poses a problem for immune system function, healthy weight management, and heart health.

Let's be blunt – this drastic public health problem was caused by the “public health” messages of the American Cancer Society who has turned several generations of Americans into sun paranoids. It appears that no organization has ever done more to damage the public health.

Parents that have followed this advice are likely to be the same ones who will line up their defenseless children to get the government's experimental flu vaccine. My advice: smell the stench of the herd moving in a particular direction and run like crazy the other way.

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