Nutritional Support to Aid Your Daily Steps
February 5, 2024
The aches and pains of increasing your daily steps can be a deterrent for some individuals. A little extra nutritional support can aid your recovery and endurance as you lace up those sneakers. Here are some foundational nutritional tips to implement as you build your resiliency.
1. Support Mitochondria and Energy Production:
Super Q10 Ubiquinol or Super Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 is the cornerstone of your energy supply chain. It provides the spark plug to help make ATP or energy and support endurance. Coenzyme Q10 levels start to decline after age 25. It is especially helpful for muscles, heart, brain, mitochondria, kidneys, and adrenals.
Coenzyme Q10 levels are depleted with use of cholesterol lowering medications like statins and some antidepressants. Use 100 – 400 mg or more of coenzyme Q10 with your exercise routine. Super Q10 Ubiquinol and Super Coenzyme Q10 are crystal-free, fat- and water-soluble forms of highly absorbable coenzyme Q10. The ubiquinol form of Q10 is often preferred for adults over 40 and/or on medications that deplete the nutrient.
PQQ provides powerful antioxidant support to protect against oxidative stress while helping your body to make new mitochondria. PQQ and Coenzyme Q10 work together synergistically but are not the same.
Muscle Mag provides highly absorbable magnesium with vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 which are critical for the Kreb’s cycle, mitochondria, and energy production. These nutrients are often insufficient in the Western Diet and high stress lifestyles. Numerous medications also deplete magnesium and B vitamins.
Coenzyme Q10, PQQ and Muscle Mag support energy production and lactic acid removal in your organs and mitochondria, which are vital for heart, blood vessels, and muscle function and physical activity.
2. Support Your Heart, Vasculature, and Lymphatic System.
Cardio Helper contains hawthorn berry, horse chestnut, grape seed extract, and resveratrol, which act as a tonic and antioxidant for your heart muscle and vasculature system. It supports the movement of fluids in your blood vessels and through the lymphatic system. These nutrients support anti-aging effects, lymph, heart, and vasculature.
Cardio Helper is often combined with Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin, Muscle Mag, and either Super Coenzyme Q10 products for fundamental support. More information may be found in the article: Nutrients for Your Beating Heart
3. Joint and Cartilage Heath and Recovery and Recovery Health
If your joints have taken a pounding over the years, which hasve curtailed your exercise activities, consider adding Joint All and Repair Plus. These customer favorites help aid in joint and cartilage support and management of the wear and tear from over doing it.
PEA Ultra is another great resource to help your recovery. PEA (palmitoylethanolamide) is a fatty acid naturally produced in your brain, internal organs, and blood. It helps control immune-inflammatory cell responses and acts as a “balancer of inflammatory processes”. PEA promotes and supports resiliency and recovery in muscles, nerves, joints, and all tissues.
These are a few of the nutritional tools you can use to enhance your exercise and recovery process. There are many more. If you have a serious medical condition, please consult with your health care practitioner on what type of exercise is best for you.
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