Low LDL Cholesterol Increases Depression Risk in Elderly Men

By Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist

July 27, 2010

Low LDL Cholesterol Increases Depression Risk in Elderly Men
A French study1 of 1040 women and 752 men, age 65 and older, evaluated their cholesterol levels in the context of who developed clinical depression over a 7-year period. Men with the lower levels of LDL had double the risk of developing clinical depression. Women with lower levels of HDL cholesterol had a 50% increased risk of developing depression.

Low LDL cholesterol has long been linked to depression at any age. Science over the past few years has proven that an adverse side effect of statin medications is damaging the nerve receptors, which need cholesterol, so that nerve transmission is impaired.

The reckless use of statin medications in our society is not justifiable, yet it is perpetuated by a 20-billion-dollar per year juggernaut.

Men and women need to improve their cholesterol function and numbers by restoring actual health to these systems. Using drugs can change numbers but it does not improve overall health. This latest study is one more piece of evidence that simply lowering LDL cholesterol can by extremely damaging to health.

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