Glutathione: Why This Master Antioxidant Is So Important

By Dr. Linda J. Dobberstein, DC, Board Certified in Clinical Nutrition

November 17, 2023

Glutathione: Why This Master Antioxidant Is So Important

Does the scent of detergents, perfumes, or cologne make you feel ill? Are you a "light weight" with alcohol consumption? Have you noticed gray hair before its time? Do you have high stress or ongoing fatigue regardless of getting enough sleep? Have a slower recovery time or aching joints? Simply living in today’s modern world increases the need for glutathione, the master antioxidant in your body. 

What Is Glutathione?

Glutathione is made in your cells by nutrients cysteine, glutamate, and glycine. It functions as the master antioxidant protecting all cells from cellular oxidative stress. 

Glutathione is required for detoxification of heavy metals, environmental toxins/endocrine disrupting compounds, and aldehydes. It is needed for numerous cellular regulatory functions, signaling and metabolic mechanisms, mitochondrial function and protection, and genetic expression. Protein and DNA synthesis, protection against UV radiation, cell growth and division, and white blood cell functions all need glutathione. 

Glutathione is found in all parts of your body, especially the liver, nervous system, and immune system as well as white and red blood cells. Your skin, thyroid, adrenal glands, muscles, respiratory tract, eyes, and all tissues use glutathione every day.

When tissues have diminished glutathione levels, your body is much more susceptible to oxidative stress, adverse changes, and aging faster. Deep interest in this master antioxidant has led to over 179,000 published studies in the National Library of Medicine, PubMed. Here are some recent studies demonstrating the immense need for optimal glutathione stores. 

Antioxidant Support for Eyes

The lens and retina of your eyes are particularly sensitive to oxidative stress and require several nutrients for health. Cellular studies show that glutathione protects the lens and retinal cells from oxidative stress and augments the antioxidant effects of vitamin C in ocular tissues. Glutathione helps protects the eyes and skin against UV radiation. 


Thyroid and Adrenals 

Your thyroid gland uses glutathione and selenium to protect itself against free radicals and toxins. Glutathione and selenium work together for management of iodine within the thyroid gland. 

In the adrenal glands, depleted levels of glutathione and other antioxidants have been found to cause these tissues to age faster in animal studies. This impairs hormone production and your stress tolerance. 

Skin Health and Age Spots

A recent clinical trial evaluated skin tone and age spots. Female participants were given placebo, glutathione, l-cysteine, or both nutrients. Those who received glutathione with l-cysteine experienced the most noticeable improvement in reduction of dark age spots after 12 weeks. L-cysteine is a precursor to glutathione. 

Another 12-week long clinical trial showed that women who supplemented with 250 mg/day of glutathione had improvements in skin quality. Results showed “significant reduction in wrinkles” and increased skin elasticity. 

Insulin Sensitivity

A 2021 randomized controlled clinical trial evaluated the impact of glutathione supplementation on insulin sensitivity. Overweight adults consumed 1000 mg of glutathione per day or placebo for three weeks. Those who received glutathione supplementation experienced a 19% improvement in insulin sensitivity in their skeletal muscle tissues.  

Sports Performance and Muscle Recovery

Sports performance, endurance, and recovery are affected by the glutathione levels within your muscles. Studies showed improved antioxidant levels within muscles in athletes who used 450 – 1,000 mg of glutathione per day for 3 weeks. Other research found that a one-time loading dose of 3,000 mg in athletes improved their antioxidant status and reduced oxidative stress levels. 



Recent research also shows us that glutathione is essential and effective for cartilage protection. A 2020 review in the Journal of Clinical Orthopedics and Trauma reported on the protective effects of glutathione against “unbridled oxidative stress” resulting in cartilage and joint deterioration. Their conclusion states “glutathione and its precursor N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) have demonstrated significant protective effects in events of prolonged, exacerbated oxidative stress” as seen in chronic musculoskeletal concerns.  

Respiratory Health

In your respiratory tract, glutathione helps provide an initial defense against things you breathe in. It keeps mucous thin and quenches free radicals in your airway passages and mucosal barriers. NAC and vitamin A work synergistically with glutathione for immune and respiratory health. 

Optimize Your Glutathione Status for Your Health Span!

Optimization of your antioxidant stores and glutathione level is vital to the number of years in your life you have without disease, i.e., your health span. Your health span also influences the health of your offspring and future generations due to glutathione’s antioxidant impact on detoxification, reproductive organs, fertility, and genetics.  

If you live on this polluted planet, breathe air, eat food, and drink water or other beverages, your glutathione levels are impacted every day. The effect of insufficient glutathione is felt in all your tissues and organs. If you answered yes to any of the questions in this article or want to optimize your health span, your glutathione status is critical. 

Are Glutathione Supplements Absorbed?

Traditional oral reduced glutathione (GSH) has poor absorption and is broken down in the digestive tract before it can be used. However, recent advances in nutritional science have found ways to mitigate these concerns. A form of glutathione called S-acetyl-glutathione allows for rapid absorption and can get into tissues. Wellness Resources Glutathione Ultra contains this highly bioavailable form of glutathione. It has enhanced stability and absorption. It is lactose-free, gluten-free, non-GMO, kosher, and suitable for vegans and vegetarians.

Supportive Nutrients

Glutathione levels are also supported by a nutrient-rich, healthy diet with organic foods. In addition, these nutrients help to recycle glutathione and support antioxidant levels creating a synergistic protective effect.

Nutrients like vitamins A, C, D, E, K, and B vitamins, selenium, magnesium, zinc, copper, lipoic acid, NAC, taurine, glutamine, and plant-based antioxidants help recycle glutathione. The Western diet, restricted diets, and plant-based diets can readily lack one or more of these nutrients and impair your glutathione levels. 

Daily Detoxify, Daily Protector Eye & Immune, and Activator Plus provide these synergistic nutrients that aid your glutathione status. They may be taken with Glutathione Ultra as desired. 

Decreasing your toxic load will reduce the high need for glutathione. Reduce or avoid alcohol and tobacco. Avoid persistent chemical toxins as much as possible. Choose organic foods whenever possible. If you can, sleep with an organic mattress and bedding. Avoid cooking and storing foods in plastic. Follow organic lawn care or gardening practices rather than using pesticides/herbicides. Choose personal care items that are natural or organic and free and clear of perfumes. Consider an air purifier for your bedroom, home, or even your car. Do this as much as you can for the young ones in your family as they are the most vulnerable. 

If your glutathione status is running low, all tissues including brain and nerves, respiratory tract, thyroid, adrenals, cell membranes, mitochondria, gene expression, etc. are exposed to higher amounts of oxidative stress. The result is aging faster, loss of immune tolerance, and diminished health span. Do you feel your age or younger? Or are you feeling and looking older than the calendar says? Optimize your glutathione status for your health span!

Check back next week for glutathione part II!

Additional Resources 

Glutathione and Vitamin D: A Powerful Essential Connection 

Glutathione Antioxidant for Cell Life and Vitality

How to Boost Your Master Antioxidant 

Self-Care Detoxification & Your Immune System 

Hidden Obesogens in Foods, Beverages, and Environment Disrupt Metabolism 

Monsanto’s Roundup Linked to Cancer, ADHD, Mitochondrial Dysfunction

I3C+DIM Provide Powerful Cell Protection and Xenobiotic Detoxification

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