Fat Fitness and Cardiovascular Health

By Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist

June 14, 2007

Fat Fitness and Cardiovascular Health
On the cover of my book, The Leptin Diet, is the million dollar question, “How fit is your fat?” Scientists are now catching on to this concept and actively studying how a fit leptin system results in a fit metabolism and proper body weight that are likely to provide significant reduction in the development of cardiovascular disease.

It is clear that the focus of society in terms of reducing heart disease should be on restoring and/or maintaining normal metabolic function of the leptin system. The use of drugs that focus on number management at the expense of actually restoring metabolic fitness is a disgrace as well as a travesty.

Topping this list of fraudulent public health guidelines are excessive doses of statin medications designed to reduce cholesterol levels to unsafe and unhealthy levels. These recommendations undermine how energy is produced in the body and place normal metabolism in a wheelchair. The synthesis of cholesterol is the backbone of survival in the body. Abnormally interfering with this system is medical malpractice. The fact that doctors prescribe this barbaric therapy for prevention of a first heart attack is a testament to their lack of knowledge about how the body works and the influence of Big Pharma on drug-prescribing guidelines followed robotically by doctors.

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