Even Low Levels of Antioxidant Intake Can Help Cognitive Function

By Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist

September 11, 2011

Even Low Levels of Antioxidant Intake Can Help Cognitive Function
This study involved 4,447 French adults aged 45 to 60, with modest amounts of vitamin C, beta carotene, vitamin E, selenium, and zinc. It studied the effect of these basic antioxidant nutrients over a six year period and found those with the slight antioxidant boost had better memory and cognitive performance.

This study is interesting because it shows that even modest antioxidant intake can have a benefit on brain function and brain health. Regardless of what we learn about new gene science and the power of many nutrients to help brain function, antioxidant status will always be a basic truth when it comes to the health of your brain.

The better your antioxidant bank account, the better your brain can handle stress and offset accelerated aging processes. This large sample of humans proves the point. Even basic antioxidants can help brain function during aging.

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