Cell Phones Do Influence Brain Function

By Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist

March 23, 2011

Cell Phones Do Influence Brain Function
The typical defense of the cell phone industry and its legion of scientists for hire is to say that any research that implies cell phones could cause a problem to the brain is bogus or done by some type of quack researchers. The industry has steadfastly argued that cell phones do not interfere or interact with brain chemistry in any way, shape, or form. Last month some of the top scientists in the world, working at our National Institutes of Health, published their findings in the Journal of the American Medical Association1 proving beyond any shadow of a doubt that cell phones do indeed influence brain chemistry.

This study is a game changer for the issue of potential risks from cell phone use, especially prolonged cell phone use. The researchers showed that a 50 minute cell phone call altered brain glucose metabolism only in the area of the brain closest to the antenna. The researchers did not prove this could cause cancer, they didn’t even prove it caused inflammation. They simply proved that the primary argument used to deflect potential health risks from cell phone use is bogus – something I would speculate the industry has known all along.

When this study is taken together with the studies I have explained in the past it is highly likely that such an increase in glucose metabolism is reflective of an inflammatory event, an event that could lead to cancer in some individuals – especially those who talk for hours on their phones.

It would be prudent for all users of cell phones to minimize the time spent on them, especially children whose brain development is still in a critical phase.

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