Blood Pressure Medication Linked to Increased Rate of Death

By Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist

February 16, 2013

Blood Pressure Medication Linked to Increased Rate of Death
Flying in the face of Western medicine dogma is a "Journal of the American Medical Association"1 study showing that tight control of blood pressure with drugs is actually associated with an increased risk of death. The authors write, "In this observational study, we have shown for the first time, to our knowledge, that decreasing systolic BP to lower than 130 mm Hg in patients with diabetes and CAD was not associated with further reduction in morbidity beyond that associated with systolic BP lower than 140 mm Hg, and, in fact, was associated with an increase in risk of all-cause mortality. Moreover, the increased mortality risk persisted over the long term."

It is a common assumption, repeatedly proven false, that changing numbers with drugs somehow produces health. Sure, it is better to have lower blood pressure – naturally. As blood pressure rises it is often an attempt to deliver oxygen and nutrition in a more concerted effort due to a wide variety of possible health issues. Simply lowering blood pressure with drugs is somewhat like letting the air out of a balloon, the underlying problems often worsen. This study shows that what Western medicine considers the ideal blood pressure range for drug use is actually associated with increased mortality risk. Of course people who simply ignore their blood pressure problems are even at higher risk. But, aggressively driving down blood pressure with drugs can no longer be considered a therapy that extends life.

There is a huge difference between having decent blood pressure because you are healthy and having decent blood pressure because you are drugged. Correcting blood pressure problems takes some work. You need to lose weight, improve aerobic fitness, eat well and intake proper nutirients. This is the path to better health and a longer life.

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